TA2 advances the linking and contextualising of research data in the historical domain to enable a coherent historical record in the digital age and provide the foundation for the planned 4Memory Data Space. It lays the ground for historically sensitive, unambiguous data descriptions; the integration of research-led historical categorisation and cataloguing by archives, libraries and museums; and contextualisation within larger data structures. Data connectivity is vital to achieving the LINKAGE objectives. Developing and improving authority files, taxonomies, metadata, ontologies and APIs will increase the linking of research, memory institutions and infrastructures via a knowledge graph, also adding to the representation of a knowledge order for the digital future of the past. Connecting sources, publication and research data advances the analogue / digital interface of historical source material and data, as both types of material will be accessible in one data space. Open, jointly developed authority files generate standards for historical research data and sustainability.
If you want to reach out to us, please use this mail address: ta2-nfdi4memory@geschichte.uni-halle.de
To learn more about the work of and on Data Connectivity, visit the blog: https://blogs.urz.uni-halle.de/nfdi4memory/
If you do not want to miss any activities of TA Data Connectivity, sign in for our mailing list: https://lists.nfdi.de/postorius/lists/nfdi4memory-ta2.lists.nfdi.de/

What is "R:hovono"?
The acronym R:hovono stands for the “Register for historical and object-related vocabularies and standard data”, a service that is intended to provide an overview of existing vocabularies, standard data, classifications, thesauri and ontologies to all the disciplines in the humanities and history. The register will comprehensively expand existing structures of information and thus facilitate the findability and categorisation of across-institutions. We are focusing on specific specialised information ranging from metadata, usage scenarios, access options, cross-concordances to technical details. Registering vocabularies is possible either via LimeSurvey or directly in the FactGrid database. The service aims to facilitate the use uses of vocabularies in the wide range of applications from linking and indexing data to data curation, information enrichment, information extraction and data analysis. Contributions are welcome from the entire field of historical disciplines. The editorial team of TA “Data Connectivity” will accompany the process with advice and with the curation of incoming entries.
The documentation on the register of historical and object-orientated vocabularies and authority data and vocabularies (R:hovono) is published on Zenodo.
The presentation of R:hovono is published on Zenodo.
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(c) Katja Dohnke
Julian Freytag (Historisches Datenzentrum Sachsen-Anhalt): Julian.freytag@geschichte.uni-halle.de
(c) Katja Dohnke
Katja Liebing (Historisches Datenzentrum Sachsen-Anhalt): katja.liebing@geschichte.uni-halle.de
(c) Katja Dohnke