The IEG in Mainz is an independent research institute. Since its foundation in 1950, it has conducted research on European history, built up an extensive global network of scholars and established a library and information infrastructure containing analogue and digital material on topics across centuries of European history. In 2012, the Institute’s dynamic development led to its induction into the Leibniz Association. Successful grant applications to funding bodies such as the German Research Foundation (DFG), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Volkswagen Foundation, Leibniz Association (Leibniz Competition) and the European Commission (Horizon 2020) have supported the Institute’s scholarly work and given it substantial experience in steering collaborative research projects and administering funds.The IEG’S staff includes some 40 researchers working in the fields of the history of European societies, cultures, and politics; European international and transnational relations within and beyond the continent; and European religious history, including Judaism and Islam. Its scholarship programme for PhD, Postdoc and Senior Research Fellows has brought some 1,500 scholars to Mainz for extended residential research stays. Its library offers approximately 90,000 printed titles and 900,000 licensed online resources on European history from the mid-15th century, with emphasis on general and international history, as well as on church history and the history of theology since Renaissance and the Reformation. The IEG has been a pioneer in digital history, particularly with regard to geo-humanities – leading to a widely used collection of digital historical maps – and innovative open-access publishing, providing high-value resources aimed at broad audiences, such as European History Online (EGO) and IEG Maps. It attracted additional permanent funding in 2019 for a Digital Historical Research Unit | DH Lab embedded in its research programme. This division combines developing digital methods and conducting digitally enhanced research, actively shaping the digital transformation of historical research. Within the DH Lab, individual projects are carried out, new ideas for DH are conceived, research collections are curated, software is developed (ConedaKOR) and new concepts of data literacy (including RDM) are designed. The DH Lab is also involved in numerous national and international networks, projects and consortia on digital research infrastructures.

TA 6 Participation and Steering
Research Institution