Task Areas

The work of the 4Memory consortium is organised into 6 "task areas" that – while working together in a coherent structure oriented on a series of overall goals – each address different aspects of our plans to improve research data management in the historically oriented humanities.

The task areas themselves define their own plans in "measures" that express the procedures, formats or structures through which they will work; in turn, these measures are built upon a series of  "tasks" designed to meet specific goals.

What follows is a list of our task areas. Click on the respective task area to see the beginning of a brief description of it, the names and email addresses of the respective task area coordination teams and you come to the full description, if you click on "read more".


Task Area 1: Data Quality

TA1 aims to assess and advance the definition, measurement and implementation of research data quality in the historically oriented humanities, enabling further academic studies and computational research through FAIR data. ... read more

Task-area contact persons:

Peggy Große (Deutsches Museum): p.grosse@deutsches-museum.de

Dr. Anna-Lena Körfer (Herder-Institut): anna-lena.koerfer@herder-institut.de

Task Area 2: Data Connectivity

TA2 advances the linking and contextualising of research data in the historical domain to enable a coherent historical record in the digital age and provide the foundation for the planned 4Memory Data Space. ... read more

Task-area coordination team:

Dr. Katrin Moeller (MLU-HistData): katrin.moeller@geschichte.uni-halle.de

Dr. Silvia Daniel (BSB): daniel@bsb-muenchen.de

Dr. Arnost Stanzel (BSB): arnost.stanzel@bsb-muenchen.de

Task Area 3: Data Services

TA3 aims to provide a set of robust and reliable key services and link them with further data collections and tools in an interoperable “4Memory Data Space” via a knowledge graph and standardised technical interfaces. ... read more

Task-area coordination team:

Dr. Felix Bach (FIZ Karlsruhe): Felix.Bach@fiz-karlsruhe.de

Daniel Fähle (LABW): daniel.faehle@la-bw.de

Timo Holste (LABW): timo.holste@la-bw.de

Dr. Andreas Neuburger (LABW): andreas.neuburger@la-bw.de

Matthias Razum (FIZ Karlsruhe): Matthias.Razum@fiz-karlsruhe.de

Task Area 4: Data Literacy

TA4 develops specialised methodological innovation and activities to enhance data literacy (DL) in historically oriented research and teaching by addressing the challenges and methodological implications of the digital turn for historical scholarship described by our community. ... read more

Task-area coordination team:

Contact E-Mail: contact@4memory-dataliteracy.de

Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl (UT): lehmkuhl@uni-trier.de

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk (h_da): stefan.schmunk@h-da.de

Marina Lemaire (UT-SeS): marina.lemaire@uni-trier.de

Laura Döring (UT): doeringl@uni-trier.de

Stefan Kellendonk (UT): kellendonk@uni-trier.de

Dr. Stefan Büdenbender (h_da): stefan.buedenbender@h-da.de

Task Area 5: Data Culture

TA5 aims to encourage reflection upon and the (re)use of research data and corresponding digital methods and to foster a distinct data culture in our community. ... read more

Task-area coordination team:

Prof. Dr. Torsten Hiltmann (HU): torsten.hiltmann@hu-berlin.de

Claudia Prinz (HU): prinzc@geschichte.hu-berlin.de

Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael (VHD): raphael@uni-trier.de

Dr. Marie von Lüneburg (VHD): lueneburg@historikerverband.de

Christiane Weber (VHD): weber@historikerverband.de

Task Area 6: Participation and Steering

TA6 not only establishes the foundation for the collaborative work in the consortium – including handling administration, building the internal consortial infrastructure and setting policies – but also provides the space and structures for an overarching layer to foster synergies and collaborative efforts, enable open knowledge exchange, encourage participatory decisionmaking, maintain relationships with our community and with other consortia and coordinate joint contributions to the NFDI and the community. ... read more

Task-area coordination team:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Paulmann (IEG): 4memory@ieg-mainz.de

PD Dr. John Carter Wood (IEG): 4memory@ieg-mainz.de