Humboldt-University of Berlin (HU) is one of the top five universities in Germany. It has held the status of a university of excellence since 2012 and is a member of the "Berlin University Alliance", which is shaping the future of Berlin as a centre of science and research. The digital transformation of science and society and new digital research environments are among the HU's development priorities in conjunction with the other on-site institutions, such as the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society or the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), in which the HU is involved or which it hosts, as well as initiatives such as the Humboldt Law Clinic Internet Law (HLCI) and others. With its Computer and Media Service (CMS) and the University Library (UB), one of the largest in Germany, the HU has a strong infrastructure, especially in the areas of Open Science, RDM and data literacy. The various projects and services include Laudatio (Long-term Access and Usage of Deeply Annotated Information) as a research data repository for texts as well as FDMentor and FDnext and the planned Scholarly Makerly Space for Digital Humanities in the field of RDM.
For the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute of History (IfG), Digital Humanities – and especially Digital History – are core elements of its strategic development, and it has a long tradition in this field. Since 1996, the communication platform H-Soz-Kult – which is run by the association Clio-Online with administrative and technical support from the IfG – has developed into a centrepiece of historical specialist communication in Germany with more than 30,000 subscribers, announcing more than 700 scientific events and publishing more than 1,000 reviews per year, covering all areas of historical research. This commitment has been consolidated by the establishment of the new professorship for Digital History in 2020, which will be followed by further professorships with a digital focus. This focus is supported by a Digital Humanities Working Group bringing together the expertise from all institutes of the faculty, including the Institute for Library and Information Science, which offers further resources in the area of digital research, research data management and research support.
Claudia PrinzNicole DresselhausDr. Till GrallertJascha SchmitzPhilipp Schneider